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Updated: Feb 22


Pollution is a word we’ve all heard many times, and at this point many people have come to regard it as a part of daily life. It’s a hidden and deadly danger that cannot be turned off with a switch or button. One such pollution is coal. It lingers and enters our bodies when we breathe in the air around us. It can originate in factories and causes many harsh health risks, for people and the environment.

Coal is a fossil fuel, meaning that it comes from very heated, strongly compressed biological matter. A big reason for coal use is that it is inexpensive for companies to use in mass production. The price leads these companies to use coal; less cost of production means a bigger profit, and also more expansion of business due to a higher number of customers (lower cost of production leads to a decreased selling price.)

When factories burn coal, an unfortunate by-product is created, called PM 2.5. PM 2.5 is a group of very small particles that can irritate and damage a person's lungs, as well as enter their bloodstream if too much is inhaled; it can even damage a person's heart and cardiovascular system. PM 2.5 can heighten COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), and can also block a person's lungs, decreasing lung function. More symptoms consist of wheezing, coughing, or difficulty breathing.

People with medical conditions should be especially careful. For people with cardiovascular diseases, PM 2.5 can lead to an irregular heartbeat and even heart attacks. People with asthma should also be careful because exposure to PM 2.5 can lead to aggravated asthma.

That’s not all; the environment also suffers. When PM 2.5 falls from the wind and mixes into water or the ground, its acidic nature can be disastrous. This can be seen when PM 2.5 makes lakes and streams acidic. It leads not only to the death of aquatic animals but also to the depletion of nutrients in soil affected by the PM 2.5, which damages sensitive forests and farm crops. PM 2.5 also damages the delicate balance of forests by lowering the diversity of ecosystems and leading to the death of many innocent animals.

PM 2.5 is found in the United States, along with other harmful pollutants. Many factories still burn coal, despite the option of other healthier power sources.

It’s important to fight this pollution not only for the environment but also because some of our closest and most dear family members are more susceptible to it. This includes children and older adults. They are the most likely to be negatively impacted by particle exposure in the atmosphere, and promoting a better, less expensive production power source might help save lives.

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